Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year from Berkley

Happy New Year!

My name was formerly, “Sweet Potato”. I thought that I came from one big litter with 4 litter mates but I did not know that I was going into an even bigger litter! This “litter” had nine children awaiting my arrival! Can you believe it?

There also was this wonderful golden retriever named Bromley who had been very depressed as he had lost his best buddy Bailey. Bailey lived for 13 years and I heard that she was the best. It was my job to bring back a little more joy into this house. (Did I tell you that they also have two ragdoll kitties?!) Needless to say there has not been a dull moment.

I do have to confess I did make one silly mistake. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was excited, including me. For a short time they all went to church and put me safely in my crate with Bromley next to me keeping me company. I could have sworn I heard those reindeer on the roof and I wanted to see them. Bromley kept telling me that I needed to just wait but I couldn’t, so I worked on my crate until I felt a big owie!! Yes, I broke my toe at the age of 10 weeks and had a little splint. It was not fun but I did get a lot of TLC!!!

If you look at my picture I am getting bigger and bigger. Little Walker told his mommy that he could no longer pick me up but that he could still give me kisses. I think one of the best things about being in this family is all the little kisses I get and the secrets they all tell me when they snuggle up to me at different times.

I almost forgot to tell you that my name is Berkley. Maybe , just maybe, that means we will all go to California and I can play in the ocean. Right now I am happier than happier to be safe, rescued and loved. Thank you Adopt a Golden for saving my Mommy, my siblings and ME.

Wet kisses and big hugs,

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